Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shore to Shore Pt 2

Once we got going we found out our official was called Sam and he was very useful in taking our photo.  The race ended on Milford beach and we did end officially last out of 6,000!  

There was a sausage sizzle waiting for us and lots of water, the boys preferred the sausage!

Ollie was desperately on the hunt for a play area, which he found, and I begged him to sit down for a second so I could take a photo of the marina.  Beautiful area to live but expensive and of course Fran would like to live in this area.

Bribery always works best and for completing the walk in 2 hours they all got an ice-cream
from Wendy's in the Milford mall.  Ollie always goes for the berry flavour and some of it goes in.

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