Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lynn and Dave

Lynn and Dave have been friends of our family for as long as I can remember and they were in NZ to visit family.  They kindly brought over some books for the boys and more importantly some Cadburys wholenut for me!! Thanks mum for the chocolate and a big thank you to Jeanine for the books!  Alex particularly loved the Charlie Small books.  The NZ Cadburys is not the same although they have 'Whittakers' which is great.  

Lynn and Dave stayed with us for a couple of nights and it was great to catch up with Guernsey gossip and share our wonderful adventure so far.  As a thank you they took us out for a lovely meal at GPK and the food was fantastic.  They have 'Kumarah' which is a potato here and I had some on camp so I convinced Fran to try it.  She loved it.  To help the evening run smoothly we brought out the DS's for only the fourth time since we have been here so the boys were very excited.

Ollie brought out his recent woodwork to show Lynn and Dave.  Plenty of sawing, hammering and drilling!  As I have said many times, Ollie is loving NZ.  Still makes me quiver thinking of Ollie with tools though.

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