Saturday, October 6, 2012

We are back!

Apologises for not keeping up, been told off so lots to catch up on!

Alex broke his arm doing gymnastics at school whilst Fran was in Oz doing a half-marathon. She was really pleased with her 2:25 as it was particularly hot in Sydney. Still convinced it was a shopping trip! Alex was awesome, never complained during the operation to put the arm back in place and all has gone really far.
Spring is here and we are starting to use our deck which feels great, although the odd shower appears - typical Auckland weather.
This holiday the boys have been enjoying some swimming lessons, only a couple in a session so they get a lot if 1-1.
Alex has had his cast changed so about three weeks to go.
Alex is now listening to Big Time Rush and 1d, and so he has to have the right hairstyle to listen to it though!

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