Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mobile phone in December 2010 pt 3

Couldn't help myself and include two photos from he U2 260 tour as I went twice! Amazing.
Starbucks is everywhere and still very popular but there is a lot of competition. The boys like the gold chocolate coin which Tom has the remains in his mouth! The boys do cricket, gymnastics and swimming regularly. We have recently moved them to the Takapuna swim school and the boys like to swim in the free area while we wait.
Lego is a major part of our life but recently mummy has banned it. We have to finish decorating downstairs, which will be their huge playroom, before we are allowed to buy anymore and from now on it has to be glued. We are up to about 6 boxes of the stuff! The photos are of them getting the 2010 catalogue and they will stare it at for days! The final photo is of the Takapuna mall in Frans favourite cafe with the boys favourite snack.

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