Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alex's First Fishing Trip 2!

The smile says it all! It was great to hear Alex say this is the first time we have been fishing daddy, it really felt like a daddy son moment!

Alex was so excited about handling the rod that he spent the whole time reeling the line in to check the bait and let it down again. We had lots of bites which was exciting for Al but no
catch. Anton did catch a small one which he had to kiss and send back so Alex was chuffed
to see a 'real' fish!

We lasted a couple of hours before the boys wanted to move on and we went to have a closer look at Rangitoto. There was an island nearby called 'Browns Island' and it really stood out as it was covered in such 'green' grass?! Everytime we sailed passed an island there was another one.
It was awesome just sailing from island to island.

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