Sunday, July 1, 2012


Sorry for the massive delay but I have been busy.  Let me explain.  We have been thinking about what to do next lately and bizarrely a job came up in Queenstown.  Its time to move on professionally and this would be a perfect opportunity to move to a totally different part of the country.  We decided to give it a go so I have applied for the job and visited the school.  This gave us the opportunity to have a few days together without children, which is the first time in 10 years!!   The trip didn't start too well as the plane was delayed for nearly four hours with me missing my first appointment with the principal but she kindly re-organised a shorter meeting for later in the day.  We arrived in the mountains of Frankton about eleven which was experience itself, landing with mountains either side is a little alarming but exhilarating.  We got our manual hire-car which was a little dangerous but we were able to get to the school without   killing ourselves, and the meeting went well.

The following day we went on a recon to Wanaka as there is a couple of schools there, there only two schools in Queenstown so the chances of getting a job are very slim.  It took about an hour to get to Wanaka and we drove past a bungy gorge which was unfortunately closed, shame.  The weather wasn't great when we arrived in Wanaka but it seemed like a really lovely place - very small though. On our way back, we headed up the mountains of Cardrona and had a drink in the pub by the fire which was great.  The weather cleared and on our way back to Queenstown we found a view point where we saw the planes fly through - amazing!

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