Sunday, August 28, 2011

Boys day out 2

We swiftly found ourselves at the area of the penguins which has been up-dated with dinosaur bones, not sure of the link but very impressive.  To my relief the penguins were there and Tom started smiling and didn't stop all day.  Now that was over we could relax and enjoy the rest of the zoo.  Oli stepped in and said we had to go to the meerkats.  I made him watch the baboons because they were hilarious but no, he moaned and moaned till I gave in. The reason he loves them so much is because you climb down into some tunnels and pop your head up in their compound.  Oli must have done it about ten times.  We could now enjoy the rest of the zoo.  We eventually found ourselves at the play area with the dragon which amused them for five minutes, I am sure Tom is so happy because he hasn't been big enough to get up there by himself.  Alex's close friend Sam was with us and he is great fun as he plays with all three of them.  In the photo, Sam is pulling and pushing the rope to make them fall off the rope which highly amused Oli who was desperate to hang on and be the like the 'big' boys!

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