Friday, July 29, 2011

Tom and Ollie's Birthday

We spent a lazy day at home and they boys were happy to open and play with their presents.  Alex disappeared to basketball camp and the boys promised not too open any more presents. They had already spent an hour working there way through Nanna's parcel and were arguing over who should have the MORB's, they are still arguing to this day! It's amazing what captures their imagination.  Fortunately Nanna gave them so much, the MORBS battle cooled off. They loved their magazines, Moshi Monsters and of course the MORBS link.
After a couple of hours a parcel arrived from Guernsey from Pete and Deb, which was fantastic as they were not expecting Transformers and they played with them for hours until their first guests arrived.  They had a great day eating party food and playing with Zoe, Jorja and of course Duncan!  Tom was particularly pleased with his Gomu case and Oli was over-the-moon with his Cars 2 toys.

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