Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All sorts!

Our boxes have finally survived customs!  The boys are off the scale excited - toys, toys and toys!!!  Fran is very pleased as she now has a potato smasher.  Fran has informed its a potato
masher.  Technical kitchen terms are not my strength.

NZ schools are very keen on handwriting and our boys are not the best so they all have a desk now.  Lucky things.  Actually, they have been using them quite a lot.

Been playing 7-a-side for 3 weeks now and they don't swear at me anymore so I must be
doing something right now.

The paper shot is for Pete the cleaner.  Many days after school we moaned about Delancy and why couldn't they do something about it.  Well, every year North Shore City Council works towards renewing playground equipment and 10 parks have been updated this year. Ollie is very excited by one shaped as a boat or as Ollie calls it - 'the nemo park!'  Pete used tell me about sneaking into schools to play on their playground equipment, here you are encouraged to use them.  Every school has 2/3 apparatus to enjoy. 

Our recycling is collected every 2 weeks.  I like to keep them busy!  I do miss cramming it all into the back of the car on a Sunday and taking it to Chouet to find them all full.  Aaaahhhh.  

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