Saturday, February 28, 2009

Greenhithe Park

After a long day visiting the Auckland museum we decided to check out our local park, its about 2 mins away by car.  Ollie needed to climb stuff.

Tom, being an experienced gymnast, wanted to practice his balance skills on both wood and chains!  He is amazing to be fair.

Alex and Ollie heard something at the park and sat down to watch.  Only in NZ do you bring your quad bike to the park!!  I'm sure you can guess what Ollie's next question was!

T-Rex Sue

T-Rex Sue was an exhibition at the Auckland museum.  The bones were found in the states and were bought by MacDonalds and Disney for 5 million pounds!  

Tom clearly was enjoying himself as he started dancing whilst feeling the bones! 

There was about 20 different activities for the children to do.  Looking through the eyes of the dinosaur trying to spot other dinosaurs was popular.

Putting bones in the right place was on a timer and Ollie was determined to beat it!

Ollie's favourite part was watching a video of the dinosaurs coming alive and he nearly ended up in a Maori dance performance!  Ollie decided to walk off and open a door to be met by a group of dancers about to perform. Only Ollie.

Auckland Museum

The museum is right in the centre of Auckland.  You can see the skytower in the background whilst Tom tries to do his impression of the skytower! Check out the waterbottle as his top part!!

Alex was a little confused why there were big black statues of birds.  I struggled to explain that one.

The entrance to the museum is unique and pretty impressive.  The whole place was totally interactive, fantastic.

Even the shop had a gecko in it with things to find etc.  We were there about two hours, didn't
even see half of it. Brilliant.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can't get no sleep!!

Alex, Ollie and Tom are having problems getting to sleep as it is too light for them so they have
resorted to blindfolding themselves!  Ollie refuses to wear them as they don't go with his pj's. It's a hard life.  Tom has had a bit of a growth spurt, he is almost 30 cms tall now!   

I may have seen Fran for the last time, she has got into CSI.  It's huge in NZ.  

Behind Alex is our 12 foot trampoline, which was $199.  About 70 pounds.  Bargain and the best invest 3 boys can have, they are always playing/fighting on it.

Thought we better remind everyone of our views from our 3 balconies!  The balcony where Tom is, is with our guest room.  Long weekend anyone?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Super Sunday Pt 4

Travelling between the two MOTAT sites was on a Tram, which was nice.  Even walking to the car was lovely and on our way we decided to pop into the zoo as it was only a couple of minutes away.  The zoo is full of areas for the boys to climb and Tom was pleased he could fit through the centre hole of the spiders web.  

What a day and the most amazing thing was... it didn't cost us a cent.  MOTAT was free to all North Shore residents today (although we will join as we missed most of it) and we are members of the zoo.  Back of the net!

Super Sunday Pt 3

The MOTAT is split between two sites.  The second site has lots of aircraft and an assault course?!  Can you guess who is hiding in the net?

Super Sunday Pt 2

At the MOTAT they had a Spy Exhibition.  This involved hunting down some spies which meant climbing through laser alarmed rooms, using a laser gun to hear spies, cracking codes on lots of activities and disguising ourselves.  Thomas chose to disguise himself as a woman, interesting one that one.  We only did a few of the activities as there was so much to do, Alex didn't know what to do with himself.  Ollie decided to walk off and get lost in the maze of mirrors.  Only Ollie.

Super Sunday Pt 1

What a day!  We started at the MOTAT (museum of Transport and Technology) and explored 'The Challenge Zone' where we sat in earthquake cafe, built bridges and had fun with lots of activities.  Georgia (and Dan) joined us and she loved the huge trains, as did Ollie.  There was some amazing exhibits on earlier flight including the earliest airplane. As always they spent ages in the apparatus area.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Westgate Saturday

We recently found out that there were loads of other shops the opposite direction we normally go so we had a look.  It was about a 10 min drive to Westgate shopping centre.  As soon as we got there the boys spotted the toy shop and so we had to look.  They came out with a mummy toy - balloon like animals.  So Fran.  Alex was impressed he could blow them up to the size of his head.

It was our turn next and we dragged them to Starbucks.  We love their coffee and the boys forced down a fruit drink together!

We had a bit of an accident whilst in 'The Warehouse' (the NZ version of Kmart - very cheap) and ended up in Burger King to help calm things down.  The BK here is great, really nice surroundings (1950's movie decor) and the food is fine.  But the big draw is the free monster trucks and the play area.   Fran and I got to have a drink and a chat for nearly 45 mins!!  What a wonderful world.  Alex loved smashing their monster trucks to pieces in the tubes.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Night is movie night!

The boys wanted to carry on the 'Bission' tradition and keep Friday night - movie night!  Alex walked out of school today with a big smile on his face, rubbing his hands as he said its movie night tonight!

They watched Star Wars as it is supposed to be, on a big TV with a stupid amount of volume.  They insisted that they have popcorn, thanks mummy.

Alex has come home with his first lot of homework.  Lots to do, a bit of shock I think.  He is the only child in his class on 'Gold' for reading which means he
can choose his book.  Very proud boy.  Alex wanted everyone in Guernsey to see his new hero, Zac Power.  Very similar to Jack Stalwart, lots of gadgets and spy stuff.   

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Fran has been taking the boys to a gymnastics class once a week and they are loving it for different reasons!  Tom is the perfect gymnastic with pointed fingers and toes whilst Ollie
is just loving doing backwards somersaults off the walls etc.  No surprises there!

After their hard session they insist on a well deserved snack.  It's a tough life for the Bailey