Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wonderful Boys!

Alex has been playing in the hockey league for about ten games now and, after a whack in the
face, won the player of the day! What a hero although they lost three nil! He won a free meal with a dessert at Lone Star which is great as we have not been there yet, the perfect excuse to go out!

We have been doing 'Handipoints' which is a fantastic online rewards system where they get points for completing tasks and generally being proactive and self-managing. Ollie is a new man and has taken to it amazingly, so he has been collecting loads of points. Eventually he had so many he could buy a new toy! He went for a Transformer called Cliff jumper from the new animated series. You would be amazed on how independent he has become.

We decided that we needed to play more board games as a family and as NZ is pretty obsessed with them there is plenty to choose from! We went for 'Cadoo' as it seemed to be perfect for them as it involved acting, drawing, sculpting and lots of other stuff too! Ollie is the current champion!

It's funny how different countries are into different books and here Scooby-Doo is massive. They are tons of different levelled books on it and Tom has to have one read to him every night. Fortunately we have enough to keep him going for a long time.

The last photo is simply Ollie flying through the air. This is just before bed, Ollie has changed in some ways but not all!

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