Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Busiest weekend ever, official. Part 2.

The boys slept in till about 8 and were woken by me screaming at the tv as United thrashed Liverpool 2 - 1!  We then headed to Mairangi Bay for life-saving which was brilliant as it was windy and rough.  The boys loved diving through the waves and getting around the parents etc.  Great fun.  We then visited an amazing sports expo for a couple of hours which had an awesome Samsung trailer with tablets, phones, tvs and computers! Not the sporting experience mummy wanted but we had fun.  Loved the robots too! On our return home we had chocolate sandwiches, which are fantastic, with Mark and Tamsin.  We invited Mark to join us at the cinema to see Star Wars in 3D! A wonderful effort from Mark wearing a stormtrooper t-shirt, the boys were very impressed. The boys, understandably, were blown away by the movie, Darth Maul is so cool. Funniest thing was though, during the trailers there was a trailer for Titanic in 3D. Rose says to Leonardo,'When the ship docks I'll be leaving you.' Cue music.  Tom whisper in my ear, 'I dont think that ship is goinnna dock!'  We got home at 9pm and crashed to bed.  Phew.

Busiest weekend ever, official.

Where do I start?  Firstly, we went to Snowplanet for about 3 hours which was brilliant but I was already tiring!  We then went to visit some friends an hour later who live close to Campbells Bay Beach which is a fantastic beach as its so quiet and close i.e. we walked down a path to get there.  The boys disappeared into the water for an hour or so and we returned back to our friends who kindly organised a BBQ.  They had an amazing garden with a treehouse which kept the boys entertained for hours, so much so, we didn't leave till 10 pm!  Ollie broke his record of staying up late!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Favourite photos from our holiday part 2

I was amazed by how well the boys got on for such a long period of time.  Being entertained by Disney helped though!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Favourite Photos from our Holiday

So many wonderful memories.  It's only sinking in now how much we did, Alex even cried last night as he was missing his Nanna and Poppy.  A very special time for all us.

Orewa bike ride

The boys have a triathlon coming up and we thought they needed some biking practice. This walkway is about 7km and mostly flat which was perfect to get them back into it. Alex particularly loved it as he kept disappearing into the distance. Tom gave it his best and didn't complain once which was amazing for him. Ollie needed a little bribery to keep him going and eventually he got on with it.