Monday, August 30, 2010

Titirangi Beach Reserve 2

After the rope swing adventure the sun even came out which encouraged the boys to explore the beach a little bit more. Pooh sticks turned into a bit of mission as Alex did everything in his power to win by removing rocks and sticks. The boys are now becoming extremely competitive with each other although Tom is unpredictable and seems like he is not bothered and then explodes into a rage! What fun.

Titirangi Beach Reserve

A mall can only last so long before the boys start moaning and they did, so even though the it was raining we headed to Titrangi which is only 10 mins away. It is a lovely suburb southwest of Auckland on the coast and we hadn't really explored it yet. We got lucky and the rain stopped just as we arrived, and the boys found a huge rope swing which entertained them for half an hour.

Severe haircuts!

After making gingerbread men/houses, Tom thought a gingerbread was not enough, we noticed that the boys hair was a little long so it was time for a snip! We decided to go to Waitakere mall as the weather was iffy and we needed to go somewhere else for a change. It was a surprisingly big mall and it had a 'Shearing Shed' which did a perfect job of removing most of their hair! As you can I see, Oli is not into short hair. Tom was put into an excellent mood as he received a lovely face in his fluffy which helped us through the rest of the day. The DS's have been hidden awhile so it was time to let them indulge - top games are Club Penguin (from Aunty Sam), G-Force (Nanna) and Car-o-Rama (Sam).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Warriors game

Duncan, my DP, had some spare tickets for a rugby league game between the Warriors (the only NZ team in the league) against Newcastle of Australia. As you can see the seats were great and although I didn't really have a clue what was going on I had a great day out. The cheerleaders helped.

Nanna's Parcel

Once the word is out that a Nanna parcel is on the way Tom begins to check the postbox three times a day, no matter what we tell him he still does it. Funny enough Tom was not having a good day, in fact he was being a stubborn little... and the parcel turned up on our doorstep. Tom danced in joy and realised that his recent behaviour may cause him a problem so he approached me and said sorry. Then he said, "Acutally daddy, I love you... a lot!" I could not take the groveling any longer and told them to open it. Tom was particularly pleased as he is still obsessed with Gormitis, although Mighty Beans are becoming a big hit also, and as promised Nanna sent him some new ones. He was literally bouncing for joy. Alex and Oli were also really happy with their magazines but nothing compared to Tom's happiness! Keep them coming Nanna, they absolutely love them!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The sun has returned 2

We had a great walk and the rain held off for most of our journey. The extra puddles made the walk more exciting and dangerous according to Tom. The only blip was Oli slipped and cut his hand. He always goes into shock no matter how small the cut is and he then has to be carried for awhile until he has some sugar. Fortunately the ice-cream did its job and he was back to running and smiling again.

The sun has returned!

It has been a wet winter and we have had our first few days without any sun. It felt very strange as we have been so spoilt. However, the sun finally returned and we went for one of our favourite walks from Milford to Takapuna, a favourite with the children as they get such a ridiculously huge ice-cream! We met up with Dave and his children who the boys think are great. Alex particularly gets on with Luka although Anton is a fellow bookworm and they usually have a 'deep' chat about either Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

It was a great release for Oli as he is still like having a puppy as he runs around the beach burning off energy. This walk is quite varied with wooden walkways and rocky paths.