Thursday, May 28, 2009


When we have the chance we check out areas and this weekend we had the opportunity to have a look at Bayview which is in the centre of the North Shore.  It was a nice place as it backed onto reserve and a creek. The houses are not too expensive as it is a good 10/15 mins from the east coast bays.

The boys loved the two play areas we visited and as you can see they all have mastered the arts of the monkey bars.  The rope swing was very cool as we had not come across it before.  Tom and Ollie were on the see-saw for about 20 mins laughing their heads off.  Simplest things.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


10 mins from Piha is Karekare.  We were told they filmed 'The Piano' there which Fran said was beautiful so I quickly ran out of the car to take some photos.  I say quickly but it took 10 mins to run across the dunes to get to the beach which was worth it. 

It was so huge and nobody was around which felt a little strange.  Starting to feel like I really am on the set for Lord of the Rings now, finally!  We will be back, amazing.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Piha Pt2

As you can see the sand is mostly black and Fran was fascinated by the shells.  The boys were pleased to be out in the open as they moaned most of the way getting to Piha, they spent the first 15 mins running up and down the dunes.

Alex wanted to take a picture of us and it didn't turn out too bad! Like the boots?

We were all blown away with the sea life on show particularly the amount of sea stars and mussels.  The boys were stunned to see the Puffer fish as were we!  As usual the boys wanted to climb the rocks and we had to chase them down.  

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Got myself injured without actually doing anything so I couldn't play football.  Fran was gutted.
So we decided to head out of Auckland for a change and lots of friends recommended Piha.  It did not disappoint, stunning. 

I was trying to get the boys to appreciate the view but they were only interested in the play area.  Once we reached the beach they started to show a lot more interest and even said thanks for bringing them here!

North Head Pt 3

Our adventure was not over yet as Claire, Nathan and Fin took us around North Head to even more tunnels with big guns in them!  We had gone completely round the headland and could see the city.  Click on the image to fully appreciate our view, amazing.  As usual Ollie didn't want to go into the tunnels but it was worth it as he was so excited about seeing the gun that he climbed it!

Friday, May 22, 2009

North Head Pt 2

Once the boys saw the entrance they sprinted off.  When they saw the tunnel disappear into the  darkness they were a little less enthusiastic!  Ollie was particularly scared even though they had torches.  Alex loved every second of it and disappeared off into tiny little corridors to places we couldn't reach.  

Ollie did his usual of 'I hate this' and once we got out he wanted to go back in!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

North Head

We had heard of the tunnels on North Head which is in Devonport.  The weather was looking good so we packed a picnic and met up with Fin, Claire and Nathan.  We met them in Devonport and it was busy so we had to park further down away from the play area which wasn't a problem as its waterfront is stunning.

Your views as you walk are of Auckland and there was a bit of breeze so there were hundreds of yachts out.  The boys were excited about having Fin with us and they ran off going inbetween the trees.

Once we met they led us up to North Head which was a volcano and lots of big guns were built into it with a maze of rooms.  The view as we arrived was great as we spotted a few beaches we have never seen before. The building sticking out onto beach is a restaurant, that has to be worth a visit! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Fran was needing some gym time on Saturday so we spent the morning in and out of the mall.  The weather is very changeable at the moment, we when in it was beautiful clear skies and as we came out to the park everything was wet!!

When we did get to the park Alex sat on the bench to read 'Deathly Hallows' and Tom and Ollie disappeared up a tree.  They pretty much look for trees to climb now!

We had a coffee at Fran's favourite cafe where the Latte's come in bowls and then we headed off to the library as the Takapuna branch is the biggest.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kindy visit to Kelly Tarltons Pt 2

After Kelly Tarlton's we visited a fantastic view point MJ Savage Memorial Park for lunch. There were lots of trees that needed climbing and Oliver was one of the first to scramble away.

Oliver and Thomas have both made new buddies and seem to enjoy the flora and fauna 

by Fran (I have been allowed to type on the blog!) Bailey.

Kindy visit to Kelly Tarltons

Greenhithe Kindergarten had organised a trip to our local sea-life centre. There are penguins on an ice cap, huge walk through tanks and a great play dressing up area. Tom and his friend Charlie, dressed as penguins first and had an egg race. I then found myself helping lots of small wanna be penguins to get ready for their race. Then Tom wanted to go surfing!!!!